bits & Bobs
Of sorts. A collection of curios and favourites that i've had the pleasure to work on over the years.

Melbourne Symphony Orchestra * Metropolis music festival.
We took a sample from a key piece of music from the festival (from curator Thomas Adés to be precise) and turned it into a unqiue 'soundscape' using 3D printing (it was all the rage back in 2013).

Google * Chrome & Docs launch
Yep. There was a time before Chrome, Google docs and everything else you use everyday of your life now. And we launched it in Australia,

Frank Health Insurance * Brand launch
This was way back in 2009. GMHBA wanted to shake up the insurance industry and create a no bullshit brand that was actually honest. An insurance brand people would actually use and maybe, even for a second or two, even quite like. Frank was the first of it's kind and one by one the big players all chose to follow our no bullshit approach. Ditching the asterisks, simplifying their products, and recognising that customer satisfaction is everything.

Marvel * Iron Man 3 launch
To help build excitement for the launch of the third Iron Man film we wanted to give fans a uniquely local experience - so we took Iron Man out of Hollywood and brought him to the backyard of Australia in a Google collaboration HTML world first.

XERO * Beautiful Business
A classic love story between small business owner and their.... accounting software.